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F  r  o  m   T  h  e   B  a  l  c  o  n  y

Y O U R  V I E W

O U R  A C C O M M O D A T I O N  F O L L O W  T R A D I T I O N A L  E G Y P T I A N  S T Y L E


H U T S on the waterfront

Traditional Sinai huts with a unique touch.

there is nothing like Falling asleep to the

sound of the seaBalcony is just on the seafront.

Suiting the desert hit but also prepared for the 

cold windy days. 

Equipped with fan and bed sheets. 

Shared bathrooms.



R O O M S 35-40 meters from the sea.

A great view overlooking the sea and large balcony.

The rooms combines a quiet décor with

a traditional Egyptian style. 

Equipped with AC.





S U I T S 35-40 meters from the sea.

A great view overlooking the sea and large balcony.

The Suits are a combination of desert colors & 

quiet décor. A large space divided into a living room,

bedroom and fitting room. 

Equipped with AC.


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